Everything Under the Moon has been awarded!!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Many times in perusing through blog world, I have seen awards on different blogs and starting today when you come to Everything Under the Moon, you will see one on mine!!  I have been awarded The Versatile Blogger award ...and if that's not good enough, I was given this award twice in a week so I would like to say a great big THANK YOU and put a great big spotlight on the wonderful ladies who awarded me!!

Awesome blog. Awesome girl with awesome hair!!


Four clever sisters with a super crafty and creative blog!!

Thank you ladies so much for giving me this wonderful award. 

Now onto the rules...

The rules for this award are:
  • Thank and link back to the person who gave you this award
  • Share 7 things about yourself
  • Send it to 15 other bloggers and let them know you have awarded them!

Seven things about me.

1. I love butterflies. They represent recreation and rebirth and I love to recreate myself.
2. I am afraid of the dark.
3. I have a degree in culinary arts.
4. I am Cape Verdean, Bajan (Barbados), and Native American (Siksika Tribe)
5. I am one of 7 girls.  No boys.
6. I have a long-haired dapple mini dachshund named, Roxi Moon (aka Roxi Doxi Dachshund)
7. My favorite place in the world is Disney World and I would live on Main St. USA if they let me.

...and now to share the love.  Since I was given this award twice, I'm passing it on to 30 bloggers!! (whew! that was a lot of work) Im passing on this award to some of my favorite smaller (500 or less) blogs to show them some love! 

Ladies, thank you again for giving this award to me!! I am truly honored :)


  1. xoxoxoxo!!

    I didn't know Disney World was your favorite place!! I LOVE Disney World. I've been there six times. It's such a magical place, no? I went twice this year, and I wish I could go again this month. It's so pretty there in the fall.

  2. Hi Nikki!

    I thought I'd pop over to say hello and thank you for the visit, comment and the follow. (I'm now following you too).

    I've peeked around and you have some great projects.

    We have some things in common too; from a family of all girls (only 6 in mine), I love Disney World (5 visits, which is a lot for a Canadian)and I love butterflies and what they represent.

    Have a terrific weekend.

  3. Thank you doll! You are such a sweet lady! You are awesome at what you do ;)

  4. Passing this reward right back to you!! Make this # 3! And quick question are there any hair products you suggest??

  5. Thanks for the award! I'm paying it forward!

  6. Thanks Nikki! What a nice compliment :)
    Hope you are having a great week!
    Diary of a Crafty Lady

  7. Thank you so much! I am honored. :)

  8. thanks again Nikki!

  9. Thank you, sweet friend!! We have had (and still have) family in town for the past week...I am so behind on checking blogs! But you are too precious...thank you for thinking of me! HUGS!!
