2012 #FAIL

Friday, June 1, 2012

This blog has been a big #fail in 2012.  I have been getting myself involved in all kinds of projects and taking on new endeavors and I havent had a lot of time to make crafts or even really take as many photos as I would love to be taking. 

The thing is, I don't want to give up on this blog because I LOVE IT so much!!! ...and I love crafting!  ...and of course, now Everything Under the Moon is part of the BlogHer network which I haven't even had the chance to announce to you guys, *smh*  So I am going to try to rededicate myself in a minimal way.  I am going to try to present a craft every other week. Twice a month ...and on the alternating weeks I will try to do a recipe or something, maybe.  I know. That's not much of a promising schedule but it's something to get me back into the groove.

Also, I am going to do my best to organize my emails this weekend so that I can get up on everything with my sponsors. I know you guys have been emailing me and asking about sponsorship and I haven't even updated my sponsor section. #majorfail!!! But that, I will try to get in order this weekend.  Of course, our weekly party will continue for all of you guys to share your wonderful projects and I will make an attempt to comment on at least 10-20 of your projects each week because I love seeing them!!

I am soon going to be managing two blogs, a Youtube channel, and multiple other ventures so I am going to do my best to keep Everything Under the Moon a part of the blogging community!!

Thank you to everyone who has stuck with me through this transition!  I am going to try my very best to continue to provide you with new content on a more regular basis.

Hello from Zee:

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