Three Hundred and Sixty Five Days

Friday, July 1, 2011

Beginning of a love - 4/365
I know that I have been completely MIA from blogging lately but it's for good reason. I am engrossing myself in a new photo project. I am doing a 365!

For those of you who have never heard of it or are not Flickr fans, a 365 is when you take and edit one picture a day for a year.  Many people take on this creative, fun filled, but time consuming project and so I, too, have decided to take a leap into the fray. The point of the project is to develop a better knowledge of using all the features of my camera, to get a better understanding of lighting, and to develop my eye.

Because I specialize mostly in portraits, I chose to do a 365 that focuses in portraits and because models are not readily available on a daily basis, my 365 is self-portrait 365.  Many people on Flickr have completed self-portrait 365's and some of the ones I have come across are completely amazing and creative and very inspirational for this venture.

So I invite my followers (those who are still with me) to check out my project and follow along throughout the next year. Some of the photos I have taken so far are not the best but I expect to get better and better as the year goes on. I'm very excited about this project and hoping hoping hoping I can make it through the whole year. *fingers crossed*

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